Censored Messiah
Peter Cresswell
Peter Cresswell's revolutionary theory about the life of Jesus and the origins of Christianity reads like a thriller but draws on the most up to date scholarship. He describes Jesus' role in the Nazorean movement, with its links to the Essenes and other contemporary groups opposed to Roman rule. The gospels do provide a narrative and an explanation for something that really happened, but were censored and edited by later followers after the destruction of Jerusalem to disguise Jesus's Jewish roots and protect sources. The movement was scattered, died out, and what replaced it was the religion of the Roman Empire, Christianity. The traditional gospel story of the sacrifice of a God incarnate in man to save the world from sins is not what the gospels actually describe. Read critically and carefully, the gospel accounts tell of something radically different. It is still a tale of passion and belief, of charismatic leadership and showmanship, of confrontation and great daring. Above all, it is the story of how a Jewish man tried to change the direction of the religious leadership of his people.It describes a breathtaking piece of brinkmanship carried out against the Roman occupiers of Israel, a journey into the mouth of death and beyond which appeared to succeed. The Censored Messiah throws new light on James, Paul and many of the key figures surrounding Jesus, and explains his message and his miracles. It makes sense of the times and of Jesus and the miracles. It offers a coherent, satisfying and inspiring account of the origins of Christianity.

ISBN: 190381667X
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: O BOOKS - published 15/05/2004
Format: Paperback  
