If I Knew What Happened Next.....
Glyn Barrett
Have you ever wished that you knew the ending? Would you do things any differently if you did? This book sets up and explores this very scenario, questioning the way that our actions today affect the outcome tomorrow; or the connection between ‘Now’ and ‘Next.’

Informal, chatty, yet to the point, Barrett’s unique writing style takes the reader on a journey where you feel as though you are sitting with him as he writes. Illustrated with humorous true life stories, the teaching points in this book remind us of the long term, even eternal consequences of our actions, but also of the joy of mystery; we do not need to know the ending.

This is a great book for both personal reflection and small group discussion, using the questions at the end of each chapter. My only suggestion is that you may value reading the other two titles in the ‘If I knew…’ series first, as there are several references to the previous books.

ISBN: 1903725984
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: NEW WINE MINISTRIES - published 15/08/2007
Format: Paperback  
