More information on Disciple Her
Kandi Gallaty
Disciple Her is a practical, hands on, biblically rooted roadmap for how women can disciple other women regardless of their starting point or personal circumstances.
More information on Message of Discipleship BST Themes Series
Peter Morden
Soon after Jesus began his public ministry, he called his first ‘disciples’. He would teach and train them and then, after his death and resurrection, commission and empower them to go to the nations to make more ‘followers’. The risen Jesus is still l calling and sending people today. If we heed hi... (more)
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More information on MERE DISCIPLESHIP
Alistair McGrath
In exploring Christian discipleship, Alister McGrath encourages us to move beyond a superficial grasp of our faith to discover its depth and riches. He sees discipleship as a process of growth in wisdom: we absorb a Christian vision of reality, allow w it to percolate in our minds and then inform ho... (more)
More information on A-Z Of Discipleship
Matthew Porter
An accessible introduction to the Christian faith which helps readers to grow in their relationship with God, help them connect with church and live as followers of Christ in contemporary culture. The A-Z of Discipleship is an accessible look through 26 aspects of discipleship that will help believe... (more)
More information on Multiply: Disciple Making Disciples
Francis Chan
One plus one plus one. Every copy of Multiply is designed to do what Jesus did: make disciples who make disciples who make disciples... until the world knows the truth of Jesus Christ.
More information on Imagine Church Releasing Whole Life Disciples
Neil Hudson
How can an ordinary church become a community of people who help one another live out their whole life at home, work, church, in the neighbourhood as followers of Jesus in his mission to the world? This book is for those who want life together in church to equip disciples who live out their faith in... (more)
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More information on Freedom in Christ Course Revised: Workbook
Neil T Anderson / Steve Goss
More information on Freedom In Christ Course Revised: Participants Workbook (PK 5)
Neil T Anderson / Steve Goss
Revised and updated - now a 10-week discipleship course. Special Pack of 5 discount for the Freedom In Christ Course Participant's Guide. Every participant will find this 224 page book a hugely helpful comppanion to the Freedom In Christ Course. Packed full of notes from the teaching, the Pau... (more)
£29.99  £26.99
More information on Steps to Freedom in Christ Revised: Workbook
Neil T Anderson / Steve Goss
At the heart of the Alpha course is the 'Holy Spirit' weekend. The 'Steps' weekend is the equivalent in the Freedom in Christ course. The seven Steps, usually undertaken in the company of a leader or Christian friend, are designed to go deep into the soul and to get rid of the spiritual baggage that... (more)
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Neil T Anderson / Steve Goss